Sweaty Sweaty

Here it is:











That’s the alpha and omega of my days at the moment. I like it generally. Things that have fallen by the wayside include reading, watching television, recreational drugs, meditation, parties, haircuts, barbecues, introspection, cleaning behind the stove. Some of these things are missed and may have to be put back into rotation, but not all.

Today i hit with Tomecki in the insane heat and humidity. It took me all of 5 minutes to be drenched in sweat. Luckily i’ve invested in this Champion® Evolution Power Tank that, with it’s unique Sensura® technology, scientifically sucks the sweat off my skin and deposits it on the outside layer of the tank. I end up looking like i just went swimming, but feel dry as a desert on the inside. Ok, not really dry as a desert, not at all, but i am really into the shirt. I’m wondering if i can get a whole summer wardrobe in it. And then when it dries i can trace the patterns that the salt deposits in my sweat make. Sexy.

I also commented to Tomecki that the perfect conclusion to an hour and a half of hitting/sweating would be going swimming. Unfortunately no pool, no ocean, no lake within scampering distance. If there were it might be too good though. Like summer camp. Like i’d never go back to the computer to fulfill the “Work Work Work” part of my day. It does make a girl start thinking about a life in the suburbs though. The part where in a couple of hours and one trip in the cimate-controlled Nissan Sentra you can play tennis, go swimming and pick up a Super Big Gulp. Admittedly these thoughts only creep in on those really hot summer days when being in the city feels more like karmic punishment than the usual eccentric blessing.

Somewhat suburban is that during our regular 10-11:30 hitting appointment, we share the park with a P.E. class from nearby Brooklyn Tech high school. The sulky kids in their blue and white P.E. uniforms bring back all sorts of high school memories. Though i can’t imagine working out in the absurd humidity and then going back to sit in classrooms all afternoon. Like all the old people say, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” I agree. Right now even the carrots are sweating.

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