So, while i was in

So, while i was in New York, a bunch of New Yorker magazines and a Harper’s piled up in my mailbox. A few of them were very late, due to the anthrax scares i can only surmise. The others just piled. Anyway, it’s interesting to read “current” writing a few weeks late. I really suggest everyone try it. One can get a feeling for which writers actually think about how their pieces might stand the test of events, and which just go for the high drama. But of course, the high drama is way more fun to read. Go figure.

High drama here? Not much, unfortunately, i think. I just did three loads of laundry. That qualifies as drama for me. Every time i do laundry at a laundromat i have a Scarlett O’hara moment: Picture a girl, kinda well dressed (because all her other clothes are dirty) “As god is my witness, i will have a washer-dryer of my very own someday”. It must be my quasi-suburban upper-middle class upbringing, but i loathe thinking of laundry as something that you do on it’s own. It should be something you do while you do something else. While you’re cleaning, while you’re hungover, while you’re watching moesha. You get my drift.

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