The Ballad of Dock Ellis

I co-produced an all-new radio story with Bob Carlson for the KCRW show UnFictional. Using recovered audio from Donnell Alexander and I’s original interview as well as four new interviews with Jim “Mudcat” Grant, Scipio Spinx, Donald Hall and Donnell Alexander, we put Dock’s life beyond the LSD no-hitter into focus. At 28 minutes, it’s a comittment, but one that Dock is more than worthy of.

Give it a listen: The Ballad of Dock Ellis

Good Thing It’s Cloudy…

… or I would be using the solar eclipse as procrastination from editing a radio story using a bunch of recovered Dock Ellis audio. I haven’t done this in a long time, and I am not sure if that’s the reason for the feelings of dread and fear of total incompetence, or if I always feel that way when editing.

In any case, Nil bu Mouth is back. Prepare yourself. (I’m actually just speaking to me.) As for the bots, carry on then.