I saw From Hell last

I saw From Hell last night. I know it’s old news in the States but here it’s making it’s first theater run. First off, Johnny Depp looks damn hot in this movie. Does he always look this hot and i forget, or is this one special? Dunno. Second, no one should go see this alone at night. Totally scary. Anyway, i liked it. It got sort of bad reviews, and i’m pretty harsh on movies and still i can say i liked it. The cinematography-mise en scene-whatever was amazing. The colors, the sets, the light on people’s faces was perfect. That being said there was something sort of wrong with it. The story was a good story, and the writing was good as well – it was like the pacing was off or something. I found myself waiting for something to happen, even when things were happening. But really scary and gruesome, in a good way. Had to take an Alka-Seltzer before bed.

Insomnia Update: Maybe things are getting a bit back to normal. Took a long time to fall asleep again last night, but only woke up once (briefly) in the middle of the night. I think i need to try exercising.

PS: This Bjork video is so fucking cool. If the people of the future talk about late 20th century art (or early 21st century art?? – whatever time period this is), they should really include Bjork videos. Yeah, they probably won’t. Via delete yourself

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