Nils is one of the

Nils is one of the coolest silliest awesomest – just plain fun people i’ve met here so far. You must check out his Stupid Dance here. It’s so cool. How can we get him his own sitcom?

Meanwhile tonight is my soiree. I’m sorta nervous. The guest list was at first 13. Then the sorry-i’m-away-this-weekend’s started piling up and i had down to about 6. Then in some bizarre twist of fate, or rather by word of mouth, it has crept into the 25-35 area. Wow. So i’m listing now. Listing (def. making lists) is the procrastinators ultimate weapon. I’ll need all sorts of things that normal people have, like cups, plates, serving platters. Also i need to make the menu. It’s a party but this whole thing was i think an excuse for me to get to go shopping at all the cute speciality shops in my neighborhood. Anyway, wish me luck.

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