This is really great:
Nudist pensioner lands Benetton in hot water
PARIS (Reuters)
Wednesday October 3, 06:06 PM
Notable quotable: “The French government said it was not its intention to censor advertisers, but to prevent them from using women’s
bodies as objects in a way that was degrading.”
Has anyone seen the ta-tas that are on the cover of the news magazines here?! Clearly there are some boobies that are degrading to women and some that are not. Large pale floopy ones = degrading. Pert tan oily ones = deep and substantial. Hmm..
more later..
New Angeles Monthly, June 2008
Weekend America, March 30, 2008
Los Angeles Times, March 13, 2008
Los Angeles Times, March 6, 2008
Nil by Mouth is written by Neille Ilel. Neille is a writer, reporter and user interface specialist in Los Angeles. If you think that's a lot, she's also got a host of meandering sidelines including improv comedy, tennis, cooking, drawing and thinking about learning to play the guitar.
Nil is her given name. It's a long story.
E-mail her here: