back in the office of non-stop excitement this monday morning. but honestly, the fun of putzing around aimlessly most of the day has pretty much totally worn off. i am bored to bits. the kind of bored where you can’t even begin to entertain yourself because you have crossed some threshold of ennui which results in a sloppy sort of ADD. meaning i can’t even get through a single paragraph of anything interesting.
i tried to write something witty or interesting about the motorcycle gang, err.. club, party i went to on saturday, or about circus amok on friday – but really i could hardly finish a sentence…
in terms of paris, now that i’ve made my decision, i haven’t heard anything from the err “management” in terms of planning the thing. after the initial excitement, there’s been neither hide nor hair from anyone about how and when i am actually going to get myself to my new job in paris. i am begining to think that i dreamt this whole thing up, and i actually should just be going about my business as if nothing in the world was different. oh wait except for the fact i have
n o t h i n g
t o
d o
well i’ve got a $50 store credit at agnes b. and i think i oughta take a stroll to soho and try to spend it without spending too much else. if you don’t know agnes b., you can maybe get a wallet for less than $50, maybe. i ended up with the store credit after buying a pair of uncomfortable shoes in paris which were way too expensive. i didn’t realize this at the time because i totally botched up the conversion in my head and paid cash. when i exchanged them in nyc i went through mild sticker shock but recovered quickly as i realized i had just won a free shopping spree. anyhoo – $50 left.
for a girl who’s paycheck prospects are shaky at best, I’ve sure been doin’ quite a bit of shopping. well all my horoscopes say i will be experiencing things that i’ve always stayed away from… like credit card debt?
New Angeles Monthly, June 2008
Weekend America, March 30, 2008
Los Angeles Times, March 13, 2008
Los Angeles Times, March 6, 2008
Nil by Mouth is written by Neille Ilel. Neille is a writer, reporter and user interface specialist in Los Angeles. If you think that's a lot, she's also got a host of meandering sidelines including improv comedy, tennis, cooking, drawing and thinking about learning to play the guitar.
Nil is her given name. It's a long story.
E-mail her here: